Introducing the latest Uris book, a memoir entitled The Uris Trinity

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No, I’m not Leon Uris, the world famous humanitarian and novelist who sold hundreds of millions of copies—I’m his defiant son, Michael. This is a true life story about my relationship with my father and how his incredible world impacted my life. Lee (Leon) and I were true friends, unfaltering allies and the most challenging of adversaries. Enter the private world of celebrity, an unprecedented glimpse into deeply guarded secrets of a common man, one of the most well-read literary figures of the 20th Century. I’m happy to announce the book has hit the digital shelves - now available on

Not a flowery memoir

Join me on a visceral level into the inner vaults of my mind where even I fear to roam. In order to write this story, I sacrificed my pride and reputation—to tell the tale dear to my heart, and one that tore it apart. Historical and informative, profound and graphic, a moving experience—take a front row seat in a fact-filled world from the viewpoint of a son who became a character created out of my father’s wildest imagination. I donned the role of the family court jester, dropout, womanizer, rule breaker, who feared life more than death and defied mortality as a way to pass the time.

Lee created a son out of his own alter ego that would not live under his rule—who would compete for the love and affection of his trophy wife, Margery. The outcome tore the father and son apart, each of us to face life on our own terms. Dad dove into his world of writing and I turned to my dark side for comfort. We needed to come to terms and face one another, on a neutral playing field, or lose what we once had—forever.

An unprecedented expose into the personal life of one of the most important historical non-fiction American writers.

In hopes to mend my relationship with Dad, I accompany Lee on a worldwide research trip that included Austria, Afghanistan, Pakistan (and other countries). Far from an ordinary excursion, the two of us confronted, tested, outwitted and amazed one another—from start to finish. These confrontations defined our relationship—and would either destroy or mend what little remained of the relationship my father and I once held dear.

Nearly fifteen years since his death in 2003

It is time to share with the world my memorable story about a father and son who sacrificed everything for love. One that will carry you away to the heights of our shared human experience, to the depths of what we all dread most in life—to lose all that we hold dear in life, never to be replaced, and will forever haunt us.

- Michael Cady Uris, author

“I saw the way your father looked at you, a special consideration that few sons ever receive. What your father saw in you was a reflection of his better self, his son doing the right thing. He looked up to you. That is real pride.”

Find The Uris Trinity; The Father, The Son & The Trophy Wife on

Michael Uris